eFaith Web Solutions is a leading Web services company with a growing worldwide audience, a suite of powerful Web brands and one of the fastest-growing advertising networks in the United States focused on Faith and Family.
In 2010, eFaith shifted its strategy to build on these strengths, making its popular QuickApps, along with other specialized services, available free to anyone with an Internet connection. eFaith continues to move forward on this strateg, with a focus on growing the size of its online OnDemand audience, increasing the engagement of its users and improving its ability to monetize its Web audience.
To capitalize on the growing demand for online video and audio, eFaith launched Beyond Sundays to offer OnDemand services at an affordable rate for subscribers.
eFaith also recently launched an upgrade to its QuickApps software, that provides ministries and non-profits database applications for free. It also has begun to redesign all its channels to offer a cleaner look and make the pages easier to navigate.
Finally, eFaith continues to expand on a global basis as a Web services business. eFaith will launch a portal in Africa in 2008 and continue to explore opportunities elsewhere in Europe and Asia.